How do I capture attention to an event announcement?
Announcement of an event carries on the work of advertising and communicating the event's information to customers widely and capturing the attention of customers.
What types of events are popular for businesses in Vietnam?
Events are one of the extremely important and regular activities of the business. Do you understand what an event is?
Do I need to apply for an event permit?
Event organization is a process that involves many different tasks from conceptualization, planning, preparation and implementation of the event.
Choice of music suitable for each type of event
Music is a miracle in our lives. In the field of event organization, the music that is one of the factors creating the success of an event will inspire the attendees.
Elements make the event go viral
Not all events have great attraction and go viral. Therefore, we need to highlight and spread the event widely to reach our target audience and potential customers.
How to search for creative ideas for the event?
We should practice good things and habits for ourselves to stimulate our creativity as well as cultivate knowledge to develop ideas in the best way.
All you need to know about event planner
Event management is one of the most dynamic and exciting occupations. It brings many new experiences for young people in today's job market.
Ideas for outdoor event planning with Bo Decor
Outdoor events are one of the most popular forms of the organization today. How to organize outdoor events in the most impressive and successful way?
Strategies of building brand loyalty for the event
Loyalty file is the main goal of any event to achieve and build successfully. It is the factor that has a great influence on the success of the event.
How to use media effectively at events?
Social media is a powerful tool for event organizers. This tool will support Vietnam event agency to successfully build relationships between products, customers, and sponsors.